Name Rob Black OAM
Title Professor & Director
Organization Paediatric Otolaryngology H&N Surgery, Children’s Health Queensland
Work phone +61 7 38322444
Email Rob.Black@surgeons.org
Date at GOS mid 1981 – mid 1982
Who were you at GOS with? John Evans & Bob Pracy and Gill Tym in the ward
What are you Current areas of clinical and research interest? Recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis; Neurocognition in pre-school children with mild sleep apnoea; and recently appointed as Director of Paediatric ENT for the Queensland Government in a State-wide role merging various paediatric services to come under the umbrella of Children’s Health Queensland Hospitals & Health Service.
Would you like to sit on an endoscopy/airway panel? No – doing this in Dublin.
Tell us what else is going on in your life outside medicine since leaving GOS
Working hard for the College of Surgeons as Senior Examiner & then Chairman of the Court of Examiners as member of Council.
Past President, Australian Society of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery.
Enjoying life with Ann and seeing our 3 children become a Lawyer, an architect & legal graduate now Media Buyer in London, and a Surgeon-in-training respectively
Following my wife Ann to interesting places in her capacity as an Academic Lawyer specialising in Asian & Islamic Law